How long should your resume be? One page, maybe two. Usually only people in the academic community have a resume (which they usually call a curriculum vitae) longer than one or two pages.
Remember that your resume is almost always accompanied by a cover letter, and a potential employer does not want to read more than two or three pages about a total stranger in order to decide if he/she wants to meet that person. Besides, don’t forget that the more you tell someone about yourself, the more opportunity you are providing for the employer to screen you out at the first-cut stage.
A resume should be concise and exciting and designed to make the reader want to meet you in person!
Friday, 4 February, 2022
Employers almost always prefer a chronological resume; in other words, an employer will find a resume easier to read if it is immediately apparent what your current or most recent job is, what you did before that, and so forth, in reverse chronological order.
A resume that goes back in detail for the last FIVE (5) years of employment will generally satisfy the employer’s curiosity about your background. Employment more than TEN (10) years old can be shown even more briefly in an “Other Experience” section at the end of your “Experience” section.
Remember that your intention is not to tell everything you’ve done but to “hit the high points” and especially impress the employer with what you learned, contributed, or accomplished in each job you describe.
Saturday, 5 February, 2022
A cover letter sometimes called a resume letter or letter of interest, is a letter that accompanies and introduces your resume. Your cover letter is a way of personalizing the resume by sending it to the specific person you think you might want to work for at each company.
Your cover letter should contain a few highlights from your resume -just enough to make someone want to meet you. Cover letters should always be typed or word-processed on a computer — NEVER HANDWRITTEN
Sunday, 6 February, 2022
This article is extracted from Ir. Syed Fadzil Linkedin Page
You can visit his page at https://linkedin.com/in/syedfadzil