Personalizing your resume for each job is not only smart, but also necessary. Market forces, which is a term for how supply and demand work together to shape an economy, are pulling companies toward targeted resumes by giving them less work to do that isn't necessary. And the market is pushing job seekers to make targeted resumes by showing them how to get noticed on the web.
To show how targeting works, you shouldn't include information that isn't relevant to the job you want, like the job you had right after school while you waiting for your SPM results. You could give minimum information to fill the time gap, but not in detail. Also, don't give too much information to show you're qualified for the job. If you do, the reviewer might think you're overqualified and not calling you for interview, please remember, the pursuit of cheap labour are worldwide competition and have direct impacts on your resume.
Also, don't provide too many information to demonstrate you are qualified to fill the post, the reviewer might think you are overqualified for the job.
When you send a resume, you may still be considered an online applicant if the company got it through the internet, even if you snail mailed, faxed, or gave it to someone in person at a friend's "kenduri".
If you writing resume to multiple receiver via internet applications, please ensure that :-
You express your interest for a particular position.
The employer considers you for employment in a particular position.
You have the basic qualifications for the particular position.
Prior to the job interview, you don't drop out consideration for the job - by commitment to join other company if offered, or you no longer have interest working in your existing company
Resume professional, Kathryn Troutman, suggest a way to cut down on your time and effort customizing the first page and, wherever possible, keep the second page, the same each time. Freezing the second page isn't always possible, Troutman says, but the concept is a good starting point.
This article is paraphrased from the book Resume for Dummies 5th Edition by Joyce Lain Kennedy