We are looking for IOW (select trade : Architect / Mech&Elect / C&S ) for our project as below:
1. Company Name : MFA Progineer Services
2. Office Location: Kota Bharu, Kelantan
3. Contact Person: Ir. Fikri
4. No. HP/Office: 012-957 6521
5. Email: Mfaprogineer@gmail.com
6. Type of Project: Housing Development
7. Employment period of contract: 1 + 2 [Chances of Extention]
8. Urgency: Started March 2025
9. Job Location: Gua Musang, Kelantan
10. Candidate Working experience: 5 years
11. Salary range: Based on experience
12. Others requirement to full fillment by candidate: Registered IOW with BEM
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